As an organization that accommodated its students in providing welfare and academic services, the Student Association of Business Administration Department organized Scholarship Review as an effort to help and provide information about scholarships.

The Scholarship Review activity held by the UNDIP’s Student Association of Business Administration’s Kestrat was carried out on Saturday, May 22, 2021, from 09.15 am to 11.25 pm, which was attended by Business Administration Students. This activity was held in the form of a webinar and was carried out online on the Microsoft Teams Digital Platform. This scholarship review batch I carried the theme “Reach your dream and explore the world with XL Future Leaders Scholarship”

On this occasion, Scholarship Review invited Shinta Melania Rohmany as the speaker. She was one of the recipients of the XL Future Leaders Scholarship. During the webinar, she explained her journey to get the scholarship. In addition, there were further discussions by the speakers regarding the activities that would be carried out in the XL Future Leaders Scholarship, how to implement it, the benefits that would be obtained and tips to pass the selection and become one of the recipients of the scholarship.