IMABI or the Indonesian Business Administration Student Association is an organization that accommodates Business Administration students throughout Indonesia. IMABI is divided into 5 regions in Indonesia and is led by the IMABI Central Management (PP IMABI). The annual routine activity carried out by IMABI is the National Conference which is an agenda under the responsibility of the IMABI Central Management for one year of service.
This year, Universitas Diponegoro has the opportunity to host the 2021 IMABI National Conference. One of the activities of the IMABI National Conference is a national seminar. The seminar will be conducted online through the ZOOM platform with the theme “Creativepreneur as Strength in Facing Society 5.0”.
Society 5.0 is a human centric future with its main components is centered on human and technology-based to create new value to minimize human disparities and economic problems in the future. This is where the role of human resources is needed, this is supported by the development of the creative industry. So that, it is expected that the role of creativepreneur can balance economic development and solve social problems. Therefore, the era of Society 5.0 is a challenge for millennial businessmen in Indonesia. Thus, it requires the role of the millennial generation for the progress of the Nation. Business Administration students who are attached to the entrepreneurial spirit and as the successor to the development of the industrial business world need to have the creativity and ability to be able to create value. So that, they are able to face the technological advances and are expected to increase the insight and creativepreneur spirit of Business Administration students.
The Online Seminar (Webinar) activity is organized by the 2021 IMABI National Conference Committee which will be held on:
Day, Date : Sunday, July 25, 2021
Time : 9.00 AM – 13.00 PM
Meeting ID : 823 0796 2096
Passcode : imabi21
On this occasion, the Webinar “Creativepreneur as a Strength in Facing Society 5.0” will invite Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini as a speaker. He is a lecturer in Administrative Science at the Universitas Indonesia as well as a businessman and consultant. Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini will present the topic “The Role of Students in Improving Entrepreneurial Spirit and Social Awareness in Society”. The event will also presents Lukman Benjamin Mulia as the Founder and CEO of Cretivox Broadcasting Network. On this occasion, Mr. Lukman Benjamin will present the material on “Creative Industry and Indonesia’s Readiness to Face the Era of Society 5.0”.