Semarang, February 19 2024, – The signing of the Performance Contract for the Business Administration Department was carried out by the Head of the Department, namely Dr. Hari Susanta Nugraha, S.Sos, M.Si with Head of Undergraduate Study Program Dr. Reni Shinta Dewi, S.Sos, M.Si and Head of Masters Study Program Dr. Andi Wijayanto, S.Sos, M.Si and witnessed by members of the GPM Department, namely Dinalestari Purbawati, SE, M.Si.Akt. The contract consists of 8 PTNBH IKU achievement points and 49 Diponegoro University RENSTRA IKU achievement points. The contract implementation period is one year. This contract is related to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which is Teaching, Research and Community Service and student achievements. Not only the head of the study program, but all lecturers in the Department of Business Administration approved and signed a performance contract in 2024. It is hoped that through this performance contract, all lecturers can carry out their responsibilities, duties and obligations in accordance with the achievements that have been set at the university level.

The 2024 Performance Contract was implemented as a form of commitment of all lecturers in the Department of Business Administration to achieve maximum performance. The successful achievements of PTNBH IKU and Diponegoro University’s RENSTRA require many contributions from Department Heads, Study Program Heads, Lecturers and Students.