The IMABI National Conference is an accountability activity that is held annually or at the end of the management in the year concerned. In 2021, Universitas Diponegoro is entrusted to host the IMABI National Conference. The IMABI National Conference takes place on July 25-30 2021, where the activity was opened by holding an online national seminar with the theme “Creativepreneur as A Strength in Facing Society 5.0”
The rapid development of technology creates a new value and arrangement that can reduce the gap between humans and the economy. In the 4.0 revolution, it is considered that people tend to ignore social problems. So that, Society 5.0 is created. It is centred on the human and technology-based. To create a society that is ready to face Society 5.0, especially in the economic field, of course, excellent human resources are needed, and at this stage, a big role is needed from the economic actors. Especially, the creativepreneurs in Indonesia who can balance economic development and solve social problems.
The time that is increasingly leading to the Society 5.0 era, make students, especially the Business Administration students who are attached to the entrepreneurial spirit and as the successors of the development of the business and industrial world, be able to face the time that leads to the Society 5.0. They are expected to have the creativity and ability to create sustainable value for economic viability in the midst of technological advances.
Therefore, we, the committee of the 2021 IMABI National Conference held a Webinar activity by inviting speakers who were experts in their fields. We invited Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini who was an entrepreneur, consultant and lecturer who actively taught at the Universitas Indonesia. On the Webinar, Prof. Martani brought material with the theme “The Role of Students in Improving the Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Social Awareness in Society” by discussing the need for the role of young people to participate in thinking about collaborative and innovative governance, challenges and opportunities in preparing Indonesian creativepreneurs in the era of society 5.0. He also discussed how to build a creativepreneur community based on a new concept, namely through a conventional approach.
Then, we also invited a speaker who was a creativeprenuer, namely Lukman Benjamin Mulia who was the Founder and CEO of Cretivox Broadcasting Network. He brought material with the theme “Creative Industry and Indonesia’s Readiness to Face the Era of Society 5.0”. Benjamin said that in order to survive and be productive in this modern technology-based era, one must learn to master the skills needed in the future, namely creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.