SEMARANG (1/03) – Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, on February 15 to 16, 2023 held a 2023 Curriculum Development Workshop for Undergraduate (S1) and Postgraduate (S2) Programs in Business Administration and Preparation for Accreditation of the Bachelor of Business Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro at the Aruss Hotel Semarang. By involving stakeholders, the event was also carried out through Zoom meetings.
Environmental changes and competency needed by the Business and Industrial World (DUDI) require the University to respond to those. Likewise with the Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program, in an effort to align and improve the competence of students, the 2023 Curriculum Workshop is needed to accommodate the competencies required by DUDI. These competencies will then be derived from the graduate profile and learning outcomes which will ultimately lead to new courses.
Picture 1. The Workshop of Business Administration FISIP UNDIP is carried out both online and offline
On the same occasion, in addition to workshop activities, the Business Administration Study Program will also prepare Accreditation Forms with 9 standards. In order to achieve excellent accreditation, it requires the coordination of all parties, especially in terms of providing data. For this reason, accreditation preparation activities are needed to achieve maximum results. The output on the first day of the workshop was the study program’s target to have 120 students graduate on time. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial curriculum further develops or explores subjects based on entrepreneurship, and business operations, this effort is made to emphasize students who are prepared for the industrial world, so that later, campus hiring and instructors will be held. Then governance is divided into 3 (three). They are basic knowledge, ethics, and core knowledge. Skills are also divided into groups that are in accordance with the required skills, consisting of finance, operations, human resources, marketing, research, and others such as sports, Indonesian, English, internships, and business computers. The design thinking course is very essential additional course, and communication is the reason the alumni have a relatively low level of communication. The proposal seminar is expected to be completed in the 7th & 8th semesters.
Speakers on the first day consisted of Dedi Muljana: Head of BRI Semarang Regional Office; Suprapto Aji, SE, MM: Vice Chairman, Indonesia Logistics & Forwarders Associations (ILFA), Dr. Erry Akbar Panggabean: Senior Vice President Marketing & Business Development at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III Persero, Agus F. Abdillah: Director and Chief of Products and Services Officer at Telkomtelstra.
Picture 2. Workshop Participants of the FISIP UNDIP Business Administration Department
On the second day, Prof. Dr. Siswo Sumardiono, S.T., M.T. (Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering Undip) presented material related to the OBE Curriculum Update of the Study Program at the Department of Business Administration FISIP Universitas Diponegoro. Furthermore, there was a material presentation by Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol. Admin with the theme “Academic Policy Direction of FISIP UNDIP”. The next activity was Updating the RPS (syllabus) for Undergraduate courses conducted by the Accreditation Team of the Business Administration Study Program of FISIP Universitas Diponegoro and was presented by Dr. Ahyar Yuniawan, S.E., M.Si. – DE LAMEMBA: Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Undip “Preparation of 9 (Nine) standard forms in the Lamemba version”.
The workshop was attended by 45 participants consisting of the Dean, Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs and Vice Dean of Resources, Chairperson of TPMF, 19 Business Administration Lecturers, 6 staff, 2 Undip Lecturers, and 4 speakers from outside Undip.